The best New Year’s Resolution for 2024

5 min readJan 14, 2024

Your life revolves around these three areas, improve them and double your success in life.

Your life revolves around these three areas.

Everything that you do in your life on a daily basis revolves around three core areas: Health, Wealth, and Relationships.
If you hit the gym you are contributing to your health area.
If you are spending time with your family, or friends you are contributing to your relationships area.
If you are working weekends, or working hard on your side business you are contributing to your wealth area.

On an unconscious level, the values in your life are centered around these three core areas: Health, Wealth and Relationships. Lets break them down.

Your health value has two parts:
- External health: this is related to your fitness, high energy levels, and having an athletic or fit body, being in shape.
- Internal Health: the way you perceive your life. Your goals and objectives in your life. Are your goals clearly defined? Do you have a clear map of where you are heading in your professional life. Do you know where you want to be in three years time. Do you see yourself reaching your goals.

Wealth is one of the core areas in your life.

Your Wealth has two parts:
- Personal Income: Your income from your job, your assets, or your side business. How are you managing your income, how are you spending your income?
- Debt: Are you aware of your debts? How are you managing your debt(s)? Do you have enough savings in your bank account. What will be your debt levels in the next year? In the next two years.

Relationships is one of the three core areas in your life

Your relationships has two parts:
- Personal relationships: this includes life partner, your immediate family and close friends.
- Professional Relationships: this includes the relationship with your boss, your team members at work. It also includes your work network relationships such as your vendors and customers if you have your own business.
- Relationship with God: if you are religious, then going to church on a weekly basis will establish a stronger bond with your spiritual self.

The ultimate recommendations from self-help books and psychology professionals is to have a balance between all three areas in your life. However this can be difficult given the natural cycle of life.

If you live to old age you will experience many hardships in life around your three areas.

For example, maybe your father or mother were suddenly struck with a life threatening illness, then you find yourself spending so much time with them. In this situation you are spending more time in your ‘relationships’ area and sacrificing time from the other two areas — health and wealth.

Maybe you went through a painful divorce, or a major breakup. Of maybe you are going through challenges with your weight.

Sometimes life circumstances dictate which area you will spend more time in, this is fine as long as you are aware of them. For example, sometimes you have a work deadline, and you have to work long hours and weekends. But you are aware that the more hours you spend at work, the more it contributes to your “Wealth” area. Once you complete the deadline you can spend more time on your other areas, health and relationships.

If you are like most people who set a new year resolution that never gets completed, try this method. Set a goal for each of your core areas and work towards it. For example:

1. I will be spending three hours per week with my parents for the next two months, because I want to improve my relationship with them.

2. I will be spending five hours per week doing Cross fit activities for the next three months, because I want to improve my health and lose 10lbs by April 30th 2024.

3. I will be spending 14 hours per week (two hours per day) working on my website project, for the next three months, because I want to improve my income.

As per many of the self-help book authors such as Jack Canfield , it is important to have a clearly defined goal with a time line. Add it to your phone and keep saying it to yourself so you are always reminded by it.

If you health area is fine and you already have a solid routine, then define the goals for the other two areas- Wealth and Relationships.

What we don’t see in successful people.

The more you define your goals based on your three core areas the more you will lead a life of success and happiness. Since the core three areas are related to our core values in life then defining goals to improve them will lead to a more satisfying life style.

A recommended way to live our lives is simply by being aware of the three core areas, and understanding why we are doing what we are doing. The more we understand and justify our daily actions against the three areas: Health, Wealth and Relationships, the more we can live a healthy lifestyle.

I recently suffered from low self confidence, and one of the books that really helped me build my self confidence is “Double Your Relationships” by Fonze Vierra. The author went through a very bad break up, which crushed his self-confidence. His low self-confidence then impacted the belief in himself. Doubt started to cloud his thoughts and he started having thoughts like, “Is this worth it?”. The author then attended trainings in London and in Johannesburg, to help build his self confidence, and after than everything changed for him.

The author talks about the hardships he went through during his breakup with his fiance at the time. He talks about the actions he took to get over the breakup, he talks about the activities he engaged in and the people he talked to. He then outlines what worked for him and what did not work. The same methods used in the book can help solve the hardships a person may face in their life.

Here is a free guide from the book — Link — just enter 0 in the price box.

If you want the actual book here is the link — Here is a discount code that you will give you 40% percent off: HHBEJ1Y

Thank you for your time, and have a great and safe day.




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