Romantic Love vs Unconditional Love

6 min readNov 6, 2023

The difference will surprise you.

Romantic Love vs Unconditional Love

The Divorce Rate in the UK is shocking.

The divorce rate in the United Kingdom is estimated at 42%. The average length of marriage in the UK at the time of divorce for opposite-sex couples is 11.9 years. The average UK divorce age is 43.9 for women and 46.4 for men.


The divorce rate in the US is more shocking.

In 2023, in the US, First marriages still end in divorce at a rate of approximately 35–50%, while second marriages face an even higher likelihood of dissolution, ranging from 60–70% or more

Source: US Divorce Rate

Do we have control in reducing the risk of divorce? Absolutely.
Is it okay to desire a divorce in your marriage? Yes, obviously it assumes that you are not happy in your marriage, hence you have a compelling reason to seek a divorce from your partner.

Humans are social creatures by nature

As humans we are social creatures. We thrive on social interactions with others, and as per psychology research, humans have a higher survival rate when having direct social relationships with a partner. In other words, we will live longer and more satisfying lives when we are with a partner than if we were single. So the big question is why is the divorce rate in the world is so high? And do those who are on their second and third marriages stay married, or end up with another divorce?

First let us break down the concept of LOVE — the four letter word that every movie in the genre of romantic comedy is based on since the birth of the motion picture industry.

Unconditional Love:

Paternal love and the love between parents and their children is or should be unconditional.
According to psychology studies, the most pure unconditional love is between a mother and her children more so than between father and his children. For example, when a woman who has a three year old child, and the child is being very bad, or behaving badly she punishes him, or she neglects him. We immediately judge her, we say “why does she neglect him. So what if he is misbehaving, it doesn’t matter, he is just a child.” We judge her based on her decisions because we understand that paternal love is or must be unconditional.

Romantic Love:

Romantic love is based on value.
This is known as the value differential in the seduction community.

How do you increase your ‘value differential’, simple: by becoming more alpha male.
It is an undeniable fact that women are attracted to alpha males, that is, a male with the most dominant personality in a given group. A beautiful woman can have almost any man she desires, but she must get the man she wants, the alpha male. In other words the desires the alpha male with the highest dominant personality. A man with high survival value.

So when Amanda is going out with Bill. Bill is abusive, he calls her names, he gets drunk and comes home late, he hits her. Bill disrespects Amanda and is a bad boyfriend. We immediately judge Amanda. We say, “Why is she with him. She should leave him. She can find someone better than Bill. She leave him immediately, he is not worth it.” In other words, she can find someone better with higher value than Bill.

LOVE — Every romantic comedy movie is based on ‘Love’ since the birth of motion pictures.

Alpha Male Traits
If a man practices the following behaviors he will become more alpha, hence more attractive in the eyes of a woman.
-High confidence
-Taking risks
-Pre-selection — being selected by other women.
-Caregiver — showing that you care about parents/siblings or family members.
-Leader of men — this is a very powerful trait to have. If you have any position of authority or leadership where a group of people are following you, you are a ‘leader of men’

If you want to attract a Victoria’s Secret model, or any other high fashion models, the more you practice the above the more successful you will become. This fact was proven by the community of seduction professionals such as Mystery — aka— Eric Von Markovic, and Style — aka — Neil Strauss and many others that followed.

High Status Alpha Male

Survival Value (Men) vs Replication Value (Women)

-Survival Value (Men)

According to evolutionary psychology books, women are attracted to men through Survival Value.
Essentially, a man who is an alpha male has a higher survival value than a man who is not an alpha male. Survival value means that the man has a higher chance of providing a good life for his mate — wife and the offspring — children. A man who is a successful risk taker, and has high confidence means that he has a higher survival value than a man who is not.
In other words, the more a man practices being alpha in his life, the higher his survival value is. In a nutshell, the traits of an Alpha Male are the qualities of survival value which women and naturally attracted to.

One of the world’s most famous seduction professionals, “David DeAngelo” once said in his book, “Attraction is not a choice”. In other words, women feel attraction unconsciously, it is not something that they conciously choose. When a woman is attracted to a man, she feels it in her emotional circuitry. A woman does not have conscious control on who she is attracted to.

Women of beauty

Replication Value (Women)

According to evolutionary psychology, men are attracted to women based on replication value. Replication value is the woman’s ability to produce healthy offspring — children. Some of the traits of high replication value are:
- Big breasts, healthy breasts means she will be able to breast feed naturally
- Long flowing hair, means that she has healthy genes which will let her produce healthy kids.
- Hip to waist ratio of 0.2 — means that she can give birth to healthy babies.

We all know that men desire the perfect measurements, that perfect hour-glass figure. THe hour-glass figure is the perfect hip to waist ratio that allows a woman to give birth to healthy babies.

Women compete with other women based on physical appearance, men compete with other men based on power and possessions.

A Beautiful woman can get any man they want, but she wants the ‘alpha male’, the man with the highest ‘survival-value’

Wealthy men can get almost any woman they want, but they want the perfect woman with the best looking appearance. Fashion models, Playboy Playmates, Victoria’s Secret models will always be in high demand by men.

Wealthy men who demonstrate alpha male traits will always be in high demand by women. The more alpha a man is the higher his survival value in the eyes of a women, the more attractive he will become.

The bottom line, if you are a male in your twenties or thirties, make it your life purpose to practice the traits of an alpha male. Make it part of your lifestyle to become more alpha. For example, being a successful risk taker means that you can start a business. Keep doing it until you become successful. Another example is being reaching a high level of authority in your field. If you are into sports reach to get a gold medal. Be a great athlete by winning competitions. Pre-selection is a powerful trait to attract women. For example, an average looking man who is bald, he walks into a cafe with two beautiful women, he is automatically attractive to every woman who is sitting at the cafe. It is something that women feel.

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