Cryptocurrency or Starbucks?

2 min readMar 13, 2022

Instead of spending USD 130 per month on your Starbucks Latte, consider Ether cryptocurrency. It will never go down to zero.

As I was active in conducting training on cryptocurrency and blockchain in the last few years. My friend Sara asked me last year, she said:

Sara: “Fawaz, why should I buy Bitcoin or Ether, it seems there is a lot of scams in the cryptocurrency market. And everyone says it is very high risk and you can loose all your money. What do you think?”

Me: “The first rule of any investment is always invest in money you can afford to lose. That if you loose your money it will not impact your lifestyle or your family’s lifestyle. But here is the more important question. Do you go to Starbucks every day?”

Sara: “Yes.”

Me: “How often in a week?”

Sara: “I got usually before work, so five days per week.”

Me: “How much do you spend every time you go to Starbucks?”

Sara: “About AED 30 (Emirates Dirhams, USD 9.00)

Me: “So on average you are spending about USD 120 per month, if you are going 5 days per week, so 20 days per month right?”

Sara: “Yes, you can say that”

Me: “And after you have your latte, or coffee, four hours later you go to the bathroom and you flush it all down the toilet”

Sara starts laughing. Yes. and …

Me: “Sure you had your jolt of coffee, and the sugar rush. But then that AED 30 is down the toilet, that investment is down the toilet, reduced to zero, correct?”

Sara: “Sure, yes, I agree”

Me: If you buy Bitcoin or Ether for the price of AED 100 (USD 25) and keep it there. Watch it go up 5% or down 5%, but I can almost guarantee you it will never go down to zero”

Sara stood there, flabbergasted, thinking and analyzing then she says

Sara: “I can buy Bitcoin for 25 or 20 dollars?”

Me: “Yes you can. There is no minimal amount. That is how most people started”

Sara: “that is an interesting comparison, I will definitely consider it”

Many friends approached me with similar questions especially after I released my blockchain course on Udemy last year:

You don’t have to an IT background to buy Crypto currency, and you don’t have to be an expert in trading to buy or sell cryptocurrency.

Here is an easy video on how to start to buy Crypto Currency:

Have a great and safe day :-)




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